Search results for: haiti
Davy and Natalie Lloyd, Missionaries, killed in Haiti, May 23, 2024
Notice the gematria of the names, Davy and Natalie Lloyd…Davy and Natalie Lloyd=201 *The Jesuit Order=201 They were reportedly killed on May 23, 2024, the 144th day of the leap year.Jesuit Order=144 *The United States of America=144 The killing came 193 days after the Superior General’s birthday.193, 44th prime *Kill=44 The killing also came on…
Read MoreRanil Wickremesinghe becomes Sri Lanka’s new president July 20, 2022, the 201st day of the year (Haiti de ja vu) Read prior posts on Sri Lanka here. Recall, Sri Lanka’s President resigned after being overthrown 59-weeks into the Ignatian Year, and 59-days into his latest term.Sri Lanka = 59Pope Francis = 59 Now notice, on the 201st day of the year, a new President is installed, Ranil Wickremesinghe.The Jesuit Order = 201Ignatius of Loyola…
Read More6 Haitian Special Olympics soccer contingent are missing in Florida as of Monday, June 6, 2022
6 Haitians went missing on June 6, or 6/6? Do you see the 666? Haitian Special Olympics Soccer Contingent = 2166x6x6 = 216
Read MoreHaiti’s Prime Minister Jovenel Moise was replaced on 201st day of the year, July 20, 2021, by Ariel Henry, after the July 7, 2021 assassination Recall the very Jesuit assassination of Haiti’s prime minister, July 7, the day leaving 177-days in the year. And notice, the new Prime Minister was installed on July 20, 2021, the 201st day of the year.The Jesuit Order = 177 / 201 Read more about the Haiti rituals by the numbers.
Read MoreUpdate in the assassination of Haiti’s President, January 10, 2022
Recall, the assassination of Haiti’s President screamed Society of Jesus. Fittingly, this update in the story comes 187-days after the killing.Society of Jesus = 187 This news comes January 10, 2022, emphasis on 10/1, like 101.Assassin = 101
Read MoreOctober 21 | Bannon in contempt & murderous Haitian gangster propaganda by the numbers
First Bannon, with the big news in D.C. coming on his 47th week of his age. DC = 47Trump = 47Government = 47Authority = 47Republican = 47Democrat = 47President = 47White House = 47 Never forget, the cornerstone for D.C. was laid September 18, 1793, a date with 47 numerology.Vatican = 47Francis = 47France =…
Read MoreGrace floods Haiti after earthquake and assassination | The 34 Code
Think about what just happened to Haiti. The president was assassinated 34 weeks after the Superior General of the Jesuit’s birthday, July 7, 2021.–Murder = 34–Haiti = 34 Then on August 14, the day leaving 139 days in the year, the 34th prime, the nation was smashed by an earthquake.-This was three days after HAARP…
Read MoreMach-Hommy’s June 21 birthday, 55 days before the Haiti earthquake, August 14, 2021
*This album released 47 days before the president was assassinated as well. *President = 47 *Haiti = 47
Read MoreHaiti hit by 7.2 earthquake, August 14, 2021, 38 days after assassination of president
Today, August 14, leaves 139 days left in the year (34th prime).*Haiti = 34 Keep in mind the HAARP patent date, August 11, 1987, was 34 years and THREE days ago.Three = 56Natural Disaster = 56Society of Jesus = 56 Tomorrow, August 15, is the Jesuit establishment anniversary, formed August 15, 1534. If you missed…
Read MoreThere is no mystery to the assassination of Haiti’s president, it is the work of the Jesuit Order
It’s an easy answer when you know #Gematria. Haiti’s president was born on the 177th day of the year, and he died on the day leaving 177 days in the year, July 7, 2021. This is similar to JFK being assassinated 177 days after his birthday, and Catherine the Great’s husband being killed on 17/7,…
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