Search results for: kobe bryant 157
The ‘Pentateuch’ in light of the death of Kobe Bryant (41, 113 & 157)
In light of the parallels between the deaths of Kobe Bryant and Moses Malone, and them both being Nike athletes, where in ’82, Nike and Moses Malone paid tribute to Moses and Exodus and the story of the staff (that becomes a snake, like Kobe), notice the other name for the Torah, or the Five…
Read MoreKobe Bryant’s The Wizenard Series: Traininig Camp, released 157-days before Kobe’s 41st birthday
The book released March 19, 2019, 157-days before Kobe’s 41st birthday. Of course, Kobe would end up dying on his 157th day of being 41-years-old, and those two numbers were prevalent throughout his playing career. Notice the lead character’s name Rolabi Wizenard sums to 157. ‘The Wizenard Series’ ties in with the 251 / 54…
Read MoreKobe Bryant rituals at the 2020 NBA All-Star Game +The target score of 157-points & Kawhi Leonard named MVP
The 2020 NBA All-Star Game was dedicated to Kobe Bryant, and was the first ever played with a “target score”, which was set at 157. Of course, Kobe Bryant sums to 157 in gematria, and died on his 157th day of his age. Read more about Kobe’s death and 157 here: Notice in three…
Read MoreJoe Jellybean Bryant, dead at 69, 233 weeks after Kobe Bryant, July 16, 2024, news
Kobe was the Black Mamba (a snake) and now his father is announced dead on National Snak Day, July 16, 2024. His dad is dead at 69 (Snakes=69, Illuminati=69, Catholic Church=69, New World Order=69). Recall, Kobe’s death was synced with the Pope. LeBron passed Kobe in points scored, dropping Kobe to 4th in points all-time,…
Read MoreKobe Bryant’s replica 2000 championship ring sells for $927k, April 1, 2024 news In light of Kobe Bryant dying at age 41, on the Pope’s 41st day of his age, we now have this story from April 1, or 4/1, April Fools Day. As we covered then, the ritual was Jesuit, and now the ring has sold for $927,000, remaining us of 9/27, the day in history…
Read MoreBray Wyatt’s heart problems were made worse by Covid-19 & his Kobe Bryant Day death, August 24, 2023 Recall, Kobe Bryant was involved in a pharmaceutical battle over his black mamba branding. So think about how a black mamba is a snake that’s venom stops human hearts, and now Bray Wyatt’s heart has stopped. This news broke on August 24, Kobe Bryant Day, and Kobe Bryant died the day of the Royal…
Read MoreLakers to unveil new Kobe Bryant statue, February 8, 2024 (and the Kobe Bryant Day announcement)
They’re unveiling it before the Nuggets game. And like I’ve always said, Kobe died 38 weeks after his wife, and had the affair in the 38th state, the murder state, Colorado. RIP. Notice, it will be unveiled 24 weeks after Kobe Bryant day, August 24, 2023. And in light of Kobe dying at age 41,…
Read MoreTupac’s last interview, August 24, 1996, the year Kobe Bryant was drafted into the NBA (is Michael Jordan safe?)
Kobe entered the NBA in ’96.This interview was in ’96. And look at the date August 24, 1996, the day of Tupac’s last interview in light of it now being Kobe Bryant Day, 8/24 (like Kobe, #8 and #24). Of course, Tupac and Kobe are two major stars who suffered premature deaths that shocked people…
Read MoreThe original Gematria meaning of 37 (and the Kobe & Bear Bryant thing)
“I am,” is written 37 times in the Old Testament. Jesus says, “I am he,” 37 times in the New Testament. It’s a reminder that the fourth book of the Bible is titled numbers. Think about 37 in light of events such as Kobe Bryant dying on the 157th day of his age, on the…
Read MoreCeltics & Suns, Super Bowl 57 to May 11, 2023 (where the Russell Trust Association fits in & a Kobe Bryant revelation)
On the 131st day of the year, the Celtics won to force Game 7 with the Philadelphia 76ers, in the 76th NBA anniversary season. Also, the Suns lost, and funny enough, the Suns lost to the Celtics in the ’76 Finals. It circles back with Philadelphia losing in the recent Super Bowl, and Boston beating…
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