Death of Wayne Gretzky’s 1988 wedding priest, Mike McCaffery, January 12, 2021
Wayne Gretzky’s priest for his 1988 wedding died January 12, 2021, in the year of the 33rd anniversary. *Wedding = 33
Keep in mind he was Jesuit educated and the Jesuits operate in 112 countries (1/12 date). At the same time, the date can be written 12/1, like 121, connecting to ‘blood sacrifice’. *Blood Sacrifice = 121
And he died 14 days before Wayne Gretzky’s January 26th birthday.
Dead = 14 *End = 14
He died at age 85. *Iesus Hominum Salvator = 85
He studied from ’54 to ’61. *Jesuit Order = 54 *61, 18th prime *IHS = 18
And notice he studied at Fordham, the “88 school,” going with Gretzky’s 88 wedding. Read more about Fordham and 88 here.
Furthermore, his funeral was January 20, or 20/1, like 201.
The Jesuit Order = 201
He died on the day starting his 18th week of his age, or on his 126th day of his age, both numbers connecting to the Jesuits. *IHS = 18 / 18