Death of Wayne Gretzky’s 1988 wedding priest, Mike McCaffery, January 12, 2021

Catholic Church Celebrity Entertainment Jesuit Murder by Numbers Sports

Wayne Gretzky’s priest for his 1988 wedding died January 12, 2021, in the year of the 33rd anniversary. *Wedding = 33

Keep in mind he was Jesuit educated and the Jesuits operate in 112 countries (1/12 date). At the same time, the date can be written 12/1, like 121, connecting to ‘blood sacrifice’. *Blood Sacrifice = 121

And he died 14 days before Wayne Gretzky’s January 26th birthday.

Dead = 14 *End = 14

He died at age 85. *Iesus Hominum Salvator = 85

He studied from ’54 to ’61. *Jesuit Order = 54 *61, 18th prime *IHS = 18

And notice he studied at Fordham, the “88 school,” going with Gretzky’s 88 wedding. Read more about Fordham and 88 here.

Furthermore, his funeral was January 20, or 20/1, like 201.

The Jesuit Order = 201

He died on the day starting his 18th week of his age, or on his 126th day of his age, both numbers connecting to the Jesuits. *IHS = 18 / 18

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