Israel & Gaza seek peace relations on May 14, 2021, Israel’s 73rd birthday
Israel turns 73 years old, May 14, 2021, and this news about ‘Gaza‘ comes one day prior.
*Gaza = 73
Notice in the article below, it is reported there has been a “bloody” ‘four’ day ‘military’ conflict with ‘Israel’, — and it is now being reported that physical conflict has stalled, May 14, 2021, Israel’s 73rd birthday (established 5/14/48).
Israel’s 73rd birthday…
*73, 21st prime number (2021)
*David Ben-Gurion = 145 / 73 (14/5 date…)
+Theodor Herzl, dead July 3, or 7/3, 1904.
*Theodor Herzl, the father of Zionism, died July 3 or 7/3… in 1904, at age 44, 44 years before the establishment of Israel, and again, here we are, after a ‘4’ day conflict.
4 represents death in the far east (Mandarin Chinese and Japanese)
Notice the part about 4.
Keep in mind the 73rd book of the Catholic Bible is Revelation, which teaches of the end times.
Revelation = 121 / 149 (May 29 is 149th day of the year)
401, 79th prime (79, 22nd prime) *22 Chapters in Revelation *Yeshua = 79 (Jesus truer name)
We are still in the time of 247 years since the anniversary of the Jesuit banishment
This news comes early, May 14, 2021, that Gaza and Israel are seeking peace.
Catholic = 145
Revelation, 73rd book of the Catholic Bible
Israel’s 73rd birthday…
And don’t forget the military conflict began May 10, 2021, 201 days after Netanyahu’s birthday.
The Jesuit Order = 201, The Holy Bible = 201
And it began on a date that can be written 10/5, like 105.
Bible = 105 *Zionism = 105 *Masonry = 105 *Peace = 105
And for another 44, it is the ‘Abraham’ Accords.
And notice where 121 fits in with Abraham, Genesis 12:1.
And please recall, Obama released his book ‘A Promised Land’, November 17, 2020, the day leaving 44 days in the year, the man who was President #44. Please read more about that book and how it also relates with Acts 7:6 here.
As for the Abraham Accords, they were agreed to on August 13, 2020, a span of 271 days from the start of the violence, May 10, and 274 days before the birthday of Israel.
271, 58th prime *Secret Society = 58 *Freemasonry = 58 *Jerusalem = 58 *Trump won 58th election
-Read about Trump’s big ritual with 58 on Jerusalem Day in Jerusalem (before going to the Vatican)
Read about Donald Trump in Jerusalem for Jerusalem Day.
271, 58th prime
Iesus Hominum Salvator = 274 (Jesuit mott)
This conflict began May 10, 35 days before Trump’s birthday. *Catholic = 35
And in light of August 13 being the 225th day of the year, read about the relationship with the Great Tribulation, from Revelation and 225.
And if you don’t know, the Great Tribulation relates to war.
Bible = 21, Jesuit = 21, War = 21, Army = 21, *Evil = 21
The Jesuits are a military order. Donald Trump is Jesuit educated.