Jayland Walker shot at least 60 times by Akron police, June 27, 2022 & the protest of July 2 before the body camera footage of July 3

Black Lives Matter Freemasonry Jesuit Murder by Numbers Police State Racism Secret Societies Shooting

Let us begin here, with this shot from the media. Notice the 444 on the car, and the word ‘killing’ on the screen, as they talking about the Akron Police killing Jayland Walker.

Related: Read about Police – Murder by Numbers.

Recall the Gabby Petito video begins at 4:44.

If you ever wondered why Jay-Z’s album was killed 444…. Rapper = 444

Watch the clip yourself.

As for Jayland Walker, they’re reporting he is dead at 25.
Walker = 25
Death = 25
Time = 25
Racist = 25

And look at the way ‘Walker’ and ‘racist’ overlap.

This ritual happened on the 178th day of the year, and on the 119th day of the state’s age, established March 1, 1790.
Akron Police = 178 / 119

Jayland Walker was shot AT LEAST 60 TIMES?
Police = 60, Nigger = 60

Obama is 60-years-old right now.
-This shooting came 33-days before Obama’s upcoming 61st birthday (Akron Police = 61)

90 shots were fired? On a Monday? In cancer, ruled by the moon?
Monday = 90, The Moon = 90

Monday and the Moon also have 72 and 27, connecting to the date of the protest

Notice the moon was mostly dark the night of the killing, with 2% illumination, in a ‘waning crescent’ phase.

July 9 will be OJ Simpson’s 75th birthday, next Saturday.
Murder = 79
Death = 97 (25th prime)

ALSO, this is the perfect city to bring out Black Lives Matter, a Jesuit operation through and through.
Akron, Ohio = 106
I can’t breathe = 106
Black Lives Matter = 106 / 56
Jay-Walk = 106 (Jayland Walker?)
Society of Jesus = 79 / 56
The ABC Murders = 79 / 56
LeBron Raymone James = 79
Akron Police = 56
Thayer Street = 56

And they’re going to release the body camera footage on July 3, 2022, a date with 52 numerology.
Akron, Ohio = 52
7/3/2022 = 7+3+20+22 = 52

July 3 leaves 181-days in the year, the 42nd prime number.
181, 42nd prime
Body Camera = 42
Amir Locke = 42

That announcement comes the day prior, July 2, the 183rd day of the year.
Body Camera = 183
Order Out of Chaos = 183

And as for the Jesuit fingerprints, this happened on Monday, June 27, 2022, the day leaving 187-days in the year, the homicide code.
Society of Jesus = 187 / 79
Jayland Walker = 79
Waning Crescent = 79
Unconquered Sun = 187
Holy Roman Empire = 187
Washington D.C. = 187
Paris, France = 187

Ohio = 187 (Satanic)

The protest is coming on July 2, or 7/2, or 2/7.
Jesuit Order = 72
*Demonstrator = 72
*Race = 27

It is coming on the 58-year-anniversary of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Civil Rights = 64
Lyndon B. Johnson = 64
Barack Hussein Obama = 64
Hope = 64 / 44 (Elected #44, 44-years after Act)

The shooting happened reportedly at 12:30 in Akron, and LeBron James was born on December 30, or 12/30. That means this happened 179-days after his birthday, the 41st prime number. RIP Kobe.
King = 41
Jayland = 41
*Kobe Bryant = 41

Brutal Video = 129 (129 is 201 in base-8 counting)

The name Jayland Walker aligns with Dayton, Ohio.
Jayland Walker = 47 / 137
Dayton, Ohio = 47 / 137
Government = 47 / 137
Authority = 47 / 137
-Police Man = 47
-Cop = 47
-Government = 47
-Authority = 47
-Racist = 47
-Ohio = 47
-Rodney King dead at age 47
-Rodney King beaten on March 3, or 3/3
-137, 33rd prime
Race War = 33
Police = 33
Masonry = 33
Secrecy = 33
Order = 33
LAPD = 33

Tomorrow, Sunday, July 3, 2022, will have 52 date numerology.
7/3/2022 = 7+3+20+22 = 52
Akron, Ohio = 52
Government = 52
Authority = 52

It is likely in tribute to George Floyd.
Floyd = 73
-7/3 date

It will be released 149-days after the Amir Locke footage.
Skull and Bones = 149


This killing came 118-days after Ohio’s state birthday, March 1, 2022.
Homicide = 118
Death = 118

You could also say it came on the state’s 119th day of its age.
Fraternal Order of Police = 119
All Seeing Eye = 119

Justice for Jayland = 67 / 104 / 193 / 266
-67, 19th prime *Chaos = 19 (183rd day of year, Order Out of Chaos = 183)
-Roman Catholic Church = 104
-193, 44th prime *Shooting = 44 *Officer = 44 *Department = 44 *Execution = 44 *Kill = 44
-Iesus Hominum Salvator = 266

They are in the time of the 62nd Mayor.
Dan Horrigan = 62


  1. aaron00022 on July 3, 2022 at 5:32 am

    The Trade That Made Me Millions – Interest Rates

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