March Meme Madness causes GameStop & AMC to surge again, March 22, 2022, Skull and Bones Day
Notice, the stocks soared on March 22, 2022, Skull and Bones Day (322).
GameStop + AMC = 41
Skull and Bones = 41
Read about #41, George H.W. Bush’s death November 30, 2018 (11+30 = 41)
Here’s one of many “41 rituals” in tribute to Skull and Bones and George H.W. Bush’s death in rigged sports, where in this case the Texas A&M Aggies improved to 4-1, on a specific date, in relation to Bill Clinton and George H.W. Bush, #42 and #41 respectively..
George H.W. Bush, #41, Skull and Bones Member. His son, #43. And H.W. was 43rd VP.
Yale = 43
*Skull and Bones at Yale
*March Meme = 43
They will turn 191-years-old in 2023.
Society of Jesus = 191
191, 43rd prime
Skull and Bones modeled after Knights Templar, and Society of Jesus modeled after Knights Templar…
And we are in the time of the first Jesuit Pope, who took his throne on March 13, 2013.
That was 157-years after the Russell Trust Association was established, March 13, 1856.
United States = 157
157, 37th prime
Russell Trust, investments, banks… the first banker’s, the Knights Templar…
March 13 is like 313
313, the 65th prime
Knights Templar = 65
United Kingdom = 65
Christianity = 65
Again, Skull and Bones is modeled after the Knights Templar…
Watch Knight Fall and listen to the KEY 65 reference in the show (about Knights Templar).
Read about the death of Paul Walker who starred in The Skulls about the 322 society.
He died November 30, 2013, 5-years to the day of George H.W. Bush.
11+30 = 41
And think about how the stock price of the film related company AMC soared in light of the way the cabal blends fiction with reality, from the movies to the news, all of which are mostly seen on screens.
Reddit always trashes my work with trolls when it is on their platform.
Reddit = 33
GameStop = 33
Bonesmen = 33
New Haven, Connecticut = 84
United States of America = 84
Masonry = 84
Jesuit = 84
Think about 1984.