Petition to remove Amber Heard from Aquaman sequel becomes top headline on 68th day of Russia-Ukraine, May 2, 2022

On the 68th day of Russia-Ukraine, on the day of a threat of an underwater nuclear weapon being used by Russia against the U.K., we get this story relating to Aquaman.
Nuclear Energy = 68
Nuclear Weapon = 68
Aquaman = 68
If you have not see Aquaman, it begins with a false flag conducted by a nuclear submarine.

Ukraine’s coat of arms is a trident.

And don’t forget this headline from February 24, 2022.
2/24/2022 = 2+24+20+22 = 68

And don’t forget the parallels between the trial with Johnny Depp and Amber Heard (relating to character assassination) and the assassination of JFK at Dealey Plaza, where Interstate-35 makes a trident…

World Trade Center construction began in ’68
9-1-1 was made emergency dialing code in ’68
RFK & MLK assassinated in ’68
-Terror = 68 / 94
-Neptune = 94
-World Trade Center = 94
-Opened on 94th day of 1973
This news also comes on the 11-year anniversary of Operation Neptune Spear resulting in the assassination of Osama bin Laden, May 2, 2011, on the first day of Obama’s 119th week of being President of the United States.
Poseidon = 119 / 97
-Amber Laura Heard = 97

Aquaman begins with a false flag to start a war…
Aquaman released in the time of Sagittarius, which is the sign JFK was assassinated under…