Hello and welcome! My name is Zachary K. Hubbard and teaching is my passion! Prior to 2013, I taught in elementary schools, teen homeless shelters and group homes. It was in that year I discovered Gematria, and since then it has been my mission to help this knowledge reach the world. Thank you for helping me in that effort!
Maybe this is setting up for an upcoming power outage.
Portland=37, 100, 116. The power went out back on 2/14/2021 with 37 date numerology. 2+14+21=37.
Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam=100, 116.
Record Setting High Temperature=151.
Power Outage=151.
151 days after 2/14/2021 is 7/15/2021 which can be written 15/7 and 157 is the 37th prime, perfect for ‘Portland’.
Record Setting=157.
7/15/2021 has 63 date numerology. 7+15+20=21=63.
Record Temperature=88, 254. 9/11 is the 254th day of the year.
7/15/2021 has 22 date numerology. 7+15=22.
Grid=25, 38.
Oregon=25, 38. Oregon had the longest power grid “failure” back on 2/14/2021.
All-Time Heat Record=169. 7/15/2021 leaves 169 days left in the year.
7/15/2021 is a full span of 18 days after 6/28/2021 and 7/15/2021 has 18 date numerology. 7+1+5+2+0+2+1=18.
State of Emergency=80. Portland just hit the highest temps in more than 80 years.
Satan=80. Hot as hell eh?
National Power Grid=93, 201, 258.
Outage=69, 93.
Number of The Beast=258.
Portland, Oregon=69.
Heat Wave=131 the 32nd prime.
Also with the date 7/15/2021, that will be the 70th birthday on former 38th Minnesota governor Jesse Ventura.
Grid=38, 70.
Minnesota=38, 52.
Power Outage=52.
Don’t forget that Jesse Ventura and the governor of New York were the only governors to implement a state of emergency order on 9/11.
There’s always more when it comes to Jesse Ventura so we’ll see what happens, maybe buy a bunch of ice for coolers on 7/14 in case a power outage on 7/15 but I’ll keep it short and sweet like a midget dipped in honey.
From 9/11/2001 to 7/5/2021
7,237 days
925th prime = 7237
Release by Public Enemy
What ya gonna do when the grid does down
7/5/21 to 9/25/21
82 days
82nd prime = 421
75 days after Queen Elizabeth d.o.b.
111 days after Atlanta Spa shootings on 75th day year
75 days before McAfee d.o.b.
9/18 leaves 104 days in year
75 weeks after Kobe death
7/17 = 104th Anniversary of House of Windsor
(Also Tish B’av)
379 days before the end of the Ignatian year
75th prime = 379
7/5/21 also 481 days after Covid National Emergency on 3/11/20
7/5/21 to 9/27/21
84 days until 481st anniversary of Jesuits
Alot coming together between 7/4 and 7/17
NBA Finals will be interesting (4014)
“Smoldering” = 116 (English Ordinal)
“feel the burn” = 116 (English Ordinal)
6+28+21 = 55
“Satan” = 55 (English Ordinal)
“Smoldering” = 55 (Reverse Full Reduction)
“Burn” = 55 (English Ordinal)
6+28 = 34;
“Heat” = 34 (English Ordinal)
“Dry” = 34 (Reverse Ordinal)
6+28+20+21 = 75
“Portland, Oregon” = 75 (Full Reduction)
“Smoldering Heat” = 75 (Reverse Full Reduction)
“Hell Fire” = 75 (English Ordinal)
“Three Straight” = 193 (Reverse Ordinal)(44th prime
“Portland” = 44 (Reverse Full Reduction)
“116 Degrees” = 44 (Full Reduction)
“116 Degrees” = 44 (Reverse Full Reduction)
“Humidity” = 44 (Reverse Full Reduction)
“Hot as Hell” = 44 (Reverse Full Reduction)