School shooting in Bill Clinton’s old stomping grounds, Pine Bluff, Arkansas, setting up Joe Biden’s coming Assault Weapons Ban, March 1, 2021

Federal Government Jesuit Mass Shooting News Psychological Operation

Notice that ‘Watson Chapel Junior High equates to 112, a number that should remind you of Sandy Hook and 112 pound Adam Lanza. Furthermore, it sums to 256, like ‘Second Amendment’ and ‘assault weapons ban’, reminding that the ’94 Assault Weapons Ban took place on the 256th day of the year.

The Jesuits operate in 112 countries

Read more about Sandy Hook and 112, as well as the Jesuit Order.

Read more about the September 13, 1994 Assault Weapons Ban and 256.

And notice how ‘Watson Chapel’ fits in.

Keep in mind this is just outside of Little Rock, Arkansas, Bill Clinton’s hometown, and he was president at the time of the ’94 Weapons Ban.

Furthermore, notice how Pine Bluff fits in with the subject matter.

Liberty = 91 / 44 (91, 13th tri. number — today can be written 1/3)
Shooting = 44
Ordo Ab Chao = 46 *Chaos = 46 *School Shooting 199 (46th prime)
Joe Biden = 152 / 44

About 45 miles? This shooting comes on a 45 date numerology.

3/1/2021 = 3+1+20+21 = 45 *Ritual = 45

197, 45th prime

It’s also a date with 25 numerology.

3/1/21 = 3+1+21 = 25


  1. Sebastian on March 1, 2021 at 11:42 am

    Disarmed = 223 (Jewish) and 24 (Chaldean)

  2. Sebastian on March 1, 2021 at 11:54 am

    Oh and I forgot to mention:
    Disarmed American = 74 (FR)
    Disarmed patriot = 74 (FR)
    Disarmed American Citizen = 223 (EO)

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