Uvalde school police chief resigns from Uvalde city council, newspaper reports, July 2, 2022, in clear Jesuit tribute

Federal Government Jesuit Mass Shooting News Police State Politics Predictive Programming Secret Societies

Recall when we heard from Pete Arredondo on June 1, 2022, in the ritual that was.
Pedro Arredondo = 152 (152nd day of the year ritual)

This news comes July 2, or 7/2. And now it is ‘resign.’

And notice Trump is front and center for 7/2.
President Trump = 72

Uvalde happened May 24, 2022, the 144th day of the year, and now the resignation comes July 2, 2022, a Saturday, with emphasis on 7/2.
Jesuit Order = 72 / 144
President Biden = 72 / 144
President Trump = 72
-Trump with Pope Francis on 144th day of 2017 (May 24)

Today is the 183rd day of the year.
Order Out of Chaos = 183
Chaos = 19
-19 children
-19 cops

That’s the story, 19, AGAIN.
Pete Arredondo = 67 (19th prime number)

He looks like a fed in a major way, doesn’t he?

Arredondo was elected May 7, 17-days before the May 24 shooting?
Pete = 17
Mason = 17
God = 17
Kill = 17

Modern Freemasonry created in 1717. The Fraternal Order of Police. The House of the Temple at 1733.

Watch the 2:01 video on the calls for the resignation of the same man, from June 21, 2022.

Recall, the shooting was 201-days after Matthew McConaughey’s birthday.
Green Converse = 201
The Jesuit Order = 201
Order of Illuminati = 201
The Holy Bible = 201

Also, recall 73 was a big number in Sandy Hook and Dunblane.
Pedro Arredondo = 73
Sacrifice = 73
Mason = 73
-73 books in Catholic Bible
-73, 21st prime
-Jesuit = 21
-Bible = 21

And again, they made 112 a part of this story, and Sandy Hook.
Jesuits operate in 112 countries
Catholicism = 112
Mathematics = 112

From the shooting to the resignation was 39-days later.
Federal = 39
Masonry = 39
Secrecy = 39

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