Alicia Keys pays tribute to Kobe Bryant at 62nd Grammy’s January 26, 2020

Watch Alicia Keys call the Staples Center, where the Lakers play, and where the 62nd Grammy’s were, call the site the building that Kobe built (which must have annoyed Shaq).
Watch here:
Now notice how Alicia Keys syncs with Kobe passing at 41-years-old.
And never forget Kobe’s 81 point game, where the rest of his team scored 41, or his last game, where he scored 60, and again, the rest of team scored 41. In that game Kobe came off the court with 4.1 seconds left, and not by accident.

It is also not an accident that Kobe has died a span of 41-days from Shaq’s upcoming birthday, 41-days after the death of the Lakers’ JoAnn Buss, or even on the 41st day of Pope Francis’ age (keep in mind the Lakers have a player named Pope). Adding insult to injury, it was reported Kobe’s plane took off at 9:06 and crashed at 9:47 — that’s 41 minutes later. This is a ritual, and all rituals conducted by the cabal, which owns the NBAs and Grammy’s, are done in numbers, no exceptions.
41 is specific to LA, Kobe’s city, where they celebrate Kobe Bryant day on 8/24.
This ritual is very specific to ‘King’ James who passed Kobe the day prior, the numbers:
Read more about the Kobe Bryant 41 ritual here:
Read about Kobe’s death and Jerry West here:
Read about Trae Young & Devin Booker’s tribute to Kobe:
Read about Kobe and Bear Bryant dying on the same day in history, January 26:
If you watch the clip, you’ll hear Alicia Keys call the Staples Center the house that Kobe built. Let us not forget that Kobe died on 157th day of his age, in light of this.

*157, 37th prime *Los Angeles = 37
*5 months 4-days *Kobe Bean Bryant = 54 *King James passed him with 54th Lakers’ points
Listen to Tracy McGrady talk about how Kobe wanted to die young to secure his legacy:
Think of the phrase, “The ‘good’ die young”.
And for one last point about Alicia Keys, her name sums to 67, like Calabasas, King and blood sacrifice, corresponding with the 67 date numerology of Kobe’s death and the Grammy’s.
1/26/2020 = 1+26+20+20 = 67
Read about death of UCLA player Tyler Honeycutt on 6/7 (July 6, days after LeBron went to LA:
Read about death of UCLA’s William Knight (67) days after LeBron arrived in LA:
This reader caught something watching the Grammy’s that I did not.