Tren de Aragua (Venezuelan gang) in Aurora, Colorado goes viral, Friday, August 30, 2024, 74 days before Arturo Sosa’s birthday

Catholic Church Immigration Jesuit New World Order News Psychological Operation

This was the viral news on Friday, August 30, 2024, 74 days before Arturo Sosa’s birthday. He is from Venezuela and the leader of the Jesuits, or the Society of ‘Jesus.’

Tren de Aragua means Aragua Train *Aragua Train=78 *Jesuit=78

The open borders sure have brought a lot of Catholics into the country… and you have Jesuit Joe, and Jesuit Trump both to blame (but they’re only following orders.)

Keep in mind this was the news on August 30, or 8/30, like 83, or (8+30=38), going with Colorado being the 38th state in order of statehood.

Shohei Ohtani’s tribute to Chadwick Boseman & Jackie Robinson, August 28, 2024

Death History Murder by Numbers New World Order News Racism Sports

On the anniversary of Chadwick Boseman’s death at 42 (yes 42, not the falsely reported 43), Shohei Ohtani got to 42 HRs and 42 stolen bases, just like how Jackie was known to have some power and some speed (Jackie=42, Japan=42). And again, the year that Chadwick Boseman died, it was on the makeshift Jackie Robinson Day.

Ohtani completed this ritual 54 days after his birthday (Baseball=54, Jesuit Order=54).

Keep in mind Jackie Robinson was born on January 31, or 1/31, like 131. (Chadwick Boseman=131, Shohei Ohtani=131).

Recall, Mookie Betts came to the Dodgers on 4/2, and Kobe Bryant died days before that on the reported “4200 block,” in the year leading up to the Lakers championship win, and the Dodgers World Series win (Lakers=42).

Israel agrees to pause fighting in Gaza for polio vaccinations to be delivered according to United Nations, August 29, 2024

Death Medical Military Murder by Numbers New World Order News Pharmaceutical Tyranny Satanic War

This news comes on August 29, 2024, the day leaving 124 days in the year.

Notice, September 1 will be the delivery date, the 331st day of the war (that began October 7, 2023).

67 is the 19th prime, and September 1 can be written 1/9, like 19.

Read more about the ritual with Polio vaccines in Gaza here.

First case of Polio in Gaza in 25 years (and vaccines are coming), August 2024 news

Medical New World Order News Pharmaceutical Tyranny Virus War

Notice the “73” overlap with ‘Polio vaccines’ and ‘Gaza.’

Recall the massive bombing campaign on Gaza in the week of Israel’s 73rd birthday.

And read about the death of Theodor Herzl on July 3, 1904, with emphasis on 7/3.

Pavel Durov arrested in France for allowing crime on Telegram, Saturday, August 24, 2024

Big Tech Censorship Legal New World Order News

Notice, Pavel Durov was arrested in France, 47 days before his upcoming birthday.


He is a member of the World Economic Forum (WEF).

Notice how ‘Paris’ and ‘porn’ overlap.

‘Telegram’ and ‘Paris’ also fit.

This happened on August 24, or 24/8, while the Illuminati is 248 years old.

Keep in mind Pope Francis is the 266th Pope, and the first Jesuit Pope, an order that was born in Paris, France, August 15, 1534 (Pavel Valeryevich Durov=266).

Again, he is a member of the Jesuit-run World Economic Forum.

Israel targets Hezbollah with deadly bombing campaign, August 25, 2024, 322 days after Netanyahu declared war on October 8, 2023

Biblical Catholic Church History Jesuit Jewish Related Military New World Order News Secret Societies War

Saturday, August 24, 2024, was 322 days after after the October 7 “attack on Israel.” Today, Sunday, August 25, is 322 days after Netanyahu declared war on October 8.
Military Industrial Complex=322

Recall that the founder of the Illuminati died on the 322nd day of the year (Nov. 18, 1830). It goes with today being 25/8 and Israel’s retaliation coming on this day.
Order of Illuminati=258 & 201
Number of the Beast=258
The Holy Bible=201
State of Israel=201
The Jesuit Orer=201

And don’t forget that this war began on the anniversary of the United States invading Afghanistan while an Order 322 member was the President of the United States, George W. Bush, and that the two towers became zero, before they became one. Also, don’t forget Netanyahu left office June 13, 2021, the day leaving 201 days in the year, and then returned on 12/29 (1229, 201st prime), on the anniversary of Albert Pike’s birthday, who wrote the letter about three world wars, and published it on August 15, 1871, the Jesuit Order’s birthday.

71? Recall that the war began on Putin’s 71st birthday, 71 days from the Pope’s birthday (Catholic=71). And 112 were injured (Catholicism=112). It goes with the Jesuits operating in 112 countries (The Society of Jesus=71).

SpaceX to return stranded Boeing crew to earth, Saturday, August 24, 2024 news

Celebrity New World Order News Outer Space Psychological Operation

This news comes 57 days after Elon Musk’s birthday.

Remember, in the book Project Mars: A Technical Tale, the leadership in the story is known as “The Elon.”

It was not published for “57 years” (Mars=57).

The 57 connects with ‘Mars.’

The 57 connects with the history of the ‘Moon’ mission as well.

Recall, the Scottish Rite flag was taken to the moon (supposedly).

Recall, the book about “The Elon” was written by a Nazi, and today is also the 58th day of Elon Musk’s age (Nazi=58, Freemasonry=58, Secret Society=58).

Keep in mind the moon landing was July 20, 1969, and that date can be written 20/7, like 207 (Wernher von Braun=207).

Today’s news comes 69 days after his death anniversary (Nazis=69 & 24 — 24th of month) (Project Mars=69, New World Order=69, Illuminati=69).

Anthony Fauci is recovering from West Nile Virus, August 24, 2024 news

Coronavirus History Jesuit Medical New World Order News Secret Societies Virus

August 24 leaves 129 days in the year (201 in base-8 counting).

Recall when Fauci predicted the pandemic from Georgetown, January 10, 2017 (Georgetown=129).

Also, Anthony Fauci is 83 years old at the time (West Nile Virus=83).

Doctor Anthony Fauci=94 *Coronavirus Pandemic=94

This news comes on August 24, 2024, while the country is 248 years old (24/8).

This news comes on Kobe Bryant Day, who was buried in Corona del Mar, days after coronavirus was confirmed in the United States. Fittingly, it is exactly 41 weeks into the Superior General’s age (Kobe Bryant=41). It is also 251 days after the Pope’s birthday (54th prime — Kobe Bean Bryant=54, Jesuit Order=54). Recall, Kobe died at 41 on the Pope’s 41st day of his age, and this year they put up the Kobe statue on February 8, the 54th day of the Pope’s age.

Keep in mind today also has 56 date numerology (8+24+24=56).

And in light of 87 being a big theme in the time of Pope Francis being 87 years old (Ignatius of Loyola=87, The Catholic Church=87), West Nile Virus turned 87 years old this year.

Joe Biden and Benjamin Netanyahu meet on Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Catholic Church Federal Government Jesuit Jewish Related Military New World Order News War

Joe Biden is meeting with Netanyahu on the 320th day of the year (Roman Catholic Church=320).

Today is also 21/8 (Holy Roman Empire=218).

Today is also 47 days before the first anniversary of the war, reminding us of the many 47s with Joe Biden and Washington DC, as well as the fact that Israel’s boundaries were created by the United Nations in 1947.

US Intelligence says Iran hacked Trump on Bill Clinton’s birthday, August 19, 2024

Elections Federal Government Hacking New World Order News Politics

This news comes 66 days after Trump’s birthday (Iran=66).

Iranian Hacking=88 *Trump=88

Today is 317 days after the war with Israel and Hamas began (317, 66th prime).

Keep in mind it is #42’s birthday, Bill Clinton, and in 2016, there were allegations of Russian hacking.
Iran=66 & 42 *Computer=42 *Internet=42