Search results for: nuclear 68 russia ukraine
68-year-old Dmitry Kiselyov’s nuclear threat to U.K. becomes top story on 68th day of Russia-Ukraine, May 2, 2022, the anniversary of Operation Neptune Spear’s conclusion On day 68 of Russia-Ukraine, May 2, 2022, nuclear war is again a topic.Nuclear Weapon = 68Nuclear Energy = 68 Recall, on the 68th day of the year, March 9, there was also a “nuclear scare” at Chernobyl. The man who made the threat is 68-years-old. *Read more about nuclear riddles and 68 (as…
Read MoreRussian ships arrive in Cuba provoking thoughts of Cold War, June 12, 2024 (during 78th NBA Finals)
Today is #41’s birthday anniversary (George Herbert Walker Bush). Today is also the anniversary of Ronald Reagan telling Mr. Gorbachev to tear town the Berlin Wall. Of course, his VP was George H.W. Bush. The Jesuit suppression lasted 41 years. The USA was formed in the time of that suppression. *USA=41 (13th prime) Today is…
Read MoreUS had prepared for potential Russian nuclear strike in Ukraine, March 9, 2024 CNN news
This is CNN’s front page on March 9, 2024. Go back and revisit these posts to understand why nuclear fear mongering is the topic today. You’ll notice the one at the top from exactly two years ago today. Again, March 9 is typically the 68th day of the year.Nuclear Energy=68Nuclear Weapon=68Terror=68 The date can also…
Read MoreRussia’s 10:40 AM emergency alert on October 4, 2023, the same day as the United States ritual
Notice the 2:07 post time and the gematria value of ‘Attention – remain calm,’ 207. The question is, why? Could it be ‘Hunt for Red October?’ It Starrs Alec Baldwin, who plays Jack Ryan, a Jesuit trained CIA agent. 207 goes with the Jesuit Priest who wrote Art of War. And recall his 201 ritual,…
Read MoreRussian missiles hit Poland 244 days after Jens Stoltenberg’s birthday, November 15, 2022
Read about the ritual with missiles hitting Poland on November 15, 2022 here. As for the date of the November 15, 2022 incident, it came 244 days after Jens Stoltenberg’s birthday. Remember, the atomic weight of Plutonium is 244.
Read MoreRafael Mariano Grossi, head of International Atomic Energy Agency, addresses nuclear disaster scare at Zaporizhzhia power plant, Saturday, August 6, 2022
Read about the August 5 shelling at Zaporizhzhia power plant here. Read more about nuclear scares and Russia-Ukraine here. The story reveals the latest 201 / 93, Rafael Mariano Grossi. Read about Antonio Guterres, the head of the United Nations and 201 here. Notice the head of the UN’s nuclear watchdog is Rafael Mariano Grossi.Rafael…
Read MoreNuclear scare near Dnipro River after shelling at Zaporizhzhia power plant, August 5, 2022 (and news on anniversary of Hiroshima)
This occurred August 5, 2022, the 163rd day of the “war.”Zaporizhzhia = 163 163, 38th primeDeath = 38 The concern was a disaster on August 5, or 5/8.Disaster = 58Nuclear Weapon = 58Power = 58 This news comes on the 77-year anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima, a nuclear / atomic event. Notice the…
Read MoreRussia’s Gazprom tells Europe gas halt beyond its control, July 18, 2022, 144-days after military conflict’s start (and July 28)
The 9:11 post time for Reuters is CLASSIC. Today is 9-months and 11-days after Putin’s October 7 birthday. Recall the ‘false flag’ headline in the US about Putin 119-days after his birthday. This news comes July 18, or 18/7, like 187.Society of Jesus = 187Holy Roman Empire = 187Unconquered Sun = 187Black Hand = 187…
Read MorePetition to remove Amber Heard from Aquaman sequel becomes top headline on 68th day of Russia-Ukraine, May 2, 2022 On the 68th day of Russia-Ukraine, on the day of a threat of an underwater nuclear weapon being used by Russia against the U.K., we get this story relating to Aquaman.Nuclear Energy = 68Nuclear Weapon = 68Aquaman = 68 If you have not see Aquaman, it begins with a false flag conducted by a…
Read MoreFor showing the clear parallels between Covid-19 and Russia-Ukraine in relation to Bill Gates 2010 TED Talk, Innovating to Zero, Google took me down for “spam, deceptive practices and scams”
The video was ended as I got into this part of the presentation… Watch the blocked video here: BitChute channel:
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