Seattle police chief and mayor at “loggerheads” over how to handle the CHAZ, Seattle’s Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone

Big Tech Black Lives Matter Coronavirus News Racism
*Loggerheads = 56

This is a story to keep an eye on today.

Read about the history of the Autonomous Zone, June 8 to present:

Read about CHAZ leader, Raz Simone, signed to Black Umbrella records:

Take a gander at the symbolism in the CHAZ:

CHAZ = 38 / 70; Pandemic = 38; Coronavirus = 70

Don’t forget the first case of coronavirus in the U.S. was confirmed just north of Seattle, in ‘Snohomish County’. Snohomish County = 70

And for a last thought, I wonder how many big tech experiments are taking place right now in the Autonomous Zone, since Seattle is big tech city.

Read what to look out for on June 13, 2020:


  1. Nigel Waddington on June 14, 2020 at 9:57 pm

    “Winchester officer resigns, says police face ‘crusade against us’ in Facebook video” –

    ‘crusade against us=182 56 250 106

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