Washington state Sheriff Adam Fortney says he will not enforce stay-at-home orders, April 22, 2020 news

Coronavirus Government News


This news comes out of Snohomish County, where the first coronavirus case was confirmed in the United States, January 21, 2020.

Notice the emphasis on ‘He has no plan’.

Read about “Hazardous Liberty”, the Washington State protest that came 70-days after the Governor’s birthday:  https://gematriaeffect.news/protest-planned-for-olympia-washington-70-days-after-governor-jay-inslees-birthday-april-19-2020-anniversary-of-waco-oklahoma-city-bombing/

This news comes days after the April 19, 2020 Hazardous Liberty protest in Olympia, Washington, which was against stay-at-home orders.  That protest came 27-days after the stay-at-home orders, or on the 28th day.  28 Days Later?

And regarding the 113, the name of the protest was ‘Hazardous’ Liberty.

Don’t forget the pandemic was declared March 11, or 11/3, like 113.

Now this news comes April 22, the 113th day of the year.

For more gematria:

*Scottish = 32 / 50 *America = 50 / 49 *United States = 113

The sheriff in the story is Adam Fortney.


The Sheriff’s name has connections to coronavirus pandemic and coronavirus outbreak.

*Sheriff Adam Fortney = 94 *Coronavirus Pandemic = 94

*Fortney = 86 *Coronavirus Outbreak = 86

Read about the current ritual with 94 and the Atlanta, Mayor: https://gematriaeffect.news/atlanta-mayor-asks-georgians-to-stay-home-after-georgia-governor-brian-kemps-decision-to-begin-reopening-the-state-april-20-2020/

Read about the Las Vegas Mayor and 86: https://gematriaeffect.news/jewish-mayor-wants-to-reopen-las-vegas-april-22-2020-news/